Monday, October 6, 2008

Dear Friend,
I am writing to you because today I pulled a photo album from my closet. I sat for awhile gazing through the pages and was immediately brought back to a time when I was ten years old. I was on a beach. The time was 8:08. The sand was cool, soft, and stuck between my toes. I sat watching the sea gulls, two of them flying into the far off horizon… My mom and dad- two sea gulls- flew hand in hand watching the setting sun. My sister ran from the ocean and grabbed my hands, her palms in mine, “Let’s play!” And we swirled about the sand and the beach, screaming happily and laughing. Mom and dad were both chuckling, the sun gleaming in their smiles…

Together, we were a family of sea gulls, flying the wings of happiness at sunset. At that moment, the sun was as beautiful as it was all day… And standing in the last rays of sunlight I knew how to feel infinite… To be caught in a singularity- my own frozen moment in time in which I control how fast the seconds and the minutes pass by. Everything is beautiful, a lucid dream in which I am awake. And in this dream I have visions before me of a life fulfilled… Of where I am and where I will be, always infinite… I just need to know, is this what it’s like to miss someone? I think you of all people would understand that because you once asked me that very question...

Looking further into the pages, I am reminded of that feeling. Now I am seventeen and walking this beach again, my hand in hers, and strangely the time is 8:08. The sun is shining, casting beams upon the far off ocean. Everything is beautiful and I am awake, feeling infinite. So, this is my life, living each day thinking about those I miss most... And I want you to know, I’ll always be just a few words away.

My kinship always,

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